Windows Application Automation

CukeTest is able to do automation testing for Windows applications. It can automate most kinds of Windows applications, including Windows native applications, .NET, Qt, Delphi, DevExpress and more. With Model Manager, you can spy controls and create object model for your application easily, and then drag and drop objects to generate code. Together with the modern editor of CukeTest, you can create Windows automation scripts quickly.

A typical sequence of creating Windows Automation Script are:

  1. Create a new project with Windows template
  2. Create object model for your application under test
  3. Convert the test object in the model to code, drag and drop or copy them into the script
  4. Run/Debug Script

Model Manager is at core of creating Windows automation script. Besides, CukeTest provides a set of related Node.js APIs that provides flexible ways to automate Windows controls.

Learn more about Windows Automation development methods by referring to the following:

  1. Spy Objects Using the Model Manager

  2. Classification Introduction of Windows Automation:

  3. Windows Automation Tips and Walkthroughs

  4. Frequently Asked Questions
  5. More blog content

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