
  1. Strict judgment keyword strict {#strict}
    1. Strictly equal
    2. abstract equality
  2. Methods provided by the assertion library
    1. assert(value: any, message?: string|Error)
    2. assert.ok(value: any, message?: string|Error)
    3. assert.equal(actual, expected: any, message?: string|Error)
    4. assert.deepEqual(actual, expected: any, message?: string|Error)
      1. In-Depth Comparison Details
    5. assert.notEqual(actual, expected: any, message?: string|Error)
    6. assert.notDeepEqual(actual, expected: any, message?: string|Error)

A library for adding checkpoints in scripts - the assertion library assert, is one of the built-in libraries in Node.js. It can be imported by adding the following script to the head of the script:

const assert = require('assert');

Or directly drag and drop from the toolbox to the script editor to automatically generate scripts.

Strict judgment keyword strict

For all methods with the equal keyword, such as equal(), deepEqual(), notEqual(), notDeepEqual(), etc., you can change equal to strictEqual for Strict judgment, such as changing to strictEqual(), deepstrictEqual(), notstrictEqual(), notDeepstrictEqual().

By default, abstract (non-strict) judgment is used, and the strict keyword can be changed to strict judgment. In general, if you do not plan to learn the relationship between types in the JavaScript language, you can Ensure that the test results are sufficiently reliable. The difference between the two is the difference between == judgment and === judgment. The relationship reflected in the script is as follows:

Strictly equal

let num = 0;
let obj = new String("0");
let str = "0";
let b = false;

console.log(num === num); // true
console.log(obj === obj); // true
console.log(str === str); // true

console.log(num === obj); // false
console.log(num === str); // false
console.log(obj === str); // false
console.log(null === undefined); // false
console.log(obj === null); // false
console.log(obj === undefined); // false

abstract equality

let num = 0;
let obj = new String("0");
let str = "0";
let b = false;

console.log(num == num); // true
console.log(obj == obj); // true
console.log(str == str); // true

console.log(num == obj); // true
console.log(num == str); // true
console.log(obj == str); // true
console.log(null == undefined); // true

// both false, except in rare cases
console.log(obj == null);
console.log(obj == undefined);

Methods provided by the assertion library

assert(value: any, message?: string|Error)

Determine whether the incoming parameter is true, or throw an error message.

  • value: Any type, check if it is true input, so you can pass in an expression, such as assert(a===b, 'a not equal to b').
  • message: string or Error type.

assert.ok() for easy usage.

assert.ok(value: any, message?: string|Error)

  • value: any type, check if it is true input, so you can pass in an expression, such as assert.ok(a===b, 'a not equal to b').
  • message: string or Error type.

assert.equal(actual, expected: any, message?: string|Error)

Used to determine whether the expected value is equal to the actual value. The equality relation is equivalent to the abstract equality == operator. If you add the strict keyword and call assert.strictEqual() instead, it is equivalent to the strict equality === operator.

  • actual: any type,
  • expected: any type,
  • message: string or Error type.

const assert = require('assert');

assert.equal(1, 1);
// OK, 1 == 1
assert.equal(1, '1');
// OK, 1 == '1'
assert.equal(NaN, NaN);
// OK

assert.equal(1, 2);
// AssertionError: 1 == 2
assert.equal({ a: { b: 1 } }, { a: { b: 1 } });
// AssertionError: { a: { b: 1 } } == { a: { b: 1 } }

assert.deepEqual(actual, expected: any, message?: string|Error)

It is used to judge whether the expected value is equal to the actual value depth, and is usually used to judge whether two objects are completely consistent from the outside to the inside. Due to the overhead of judging object equality, object judgment in JavaScript only judges whether the source of the object (memory location, or understood as a pointer) is consistent.

  • actual: any type,
  • expected: any type,
  • message: string or Error type

For object judgment, as long as the source of the object is inconsistent, even two empty objects are not equal:

let a = {};
let b = {};
console.log(a == b); // false
b = a; // Point b to the memory address of a
console.log(a == b); // true

In-Depth Comparison Details

"Deep" equality means that enumerable "own" properties of subobjects are also compared:

const assert = require('assert');

const obj1 = {
  a: {
    b: 1
const obj2 = {
  a: {
    b: 2
const obj3 = {
  a: {
    b: 1
// Construct a new instance with the class of obj1, here is an empty object {}
const obj4 = Object.create(obj1); 

assert.deepEqual(obj1, obj1);
// OK

// The values of b are different:
assert.deepEqual(obj1, obj2);
// throw AssertionError: { a: { b: 1 } } deepEqual { a: { b: 2 } }

assert.deepEqual(obj1, obj3);
// OK

// The same type does not work:
assert.deepEqual(obj1, obj4);
// throw AssertionError: { a: { b: 1 } } deepEqual {}

If the values are not equal, an [AssertionError] is thrown and the message attribute is set equal to the value of the message parameter. If the message parameter is not defined, a default error message will be assigned. If the message parameter is an instance of [Error] then it will be thrown instead of [AssertionError].

assert.notEqual(actual, expected: any, message?: string|Error)

Used to determine whether the expected value is not equal to the actual value. The equality relation is equivalent to the abstract inequality != operator. If you add the strict keyword and call assert.notStrictEqual() instead, it is equivalent to the strict inequality !== operator.

  • actual: any type,
  • expected: any type,
  • message: string or Error type.

assert.notDeepEqual(actual, expected: any, message?: string|Error)

It is used to judge whether the expected value and the actual value are not equal in depth. It is usually used to judge whether there is an inconsistency between the external and internal attributes of two objects.

  • actual: any type,
  • expected: any type,
  • message: string or Error type

results matching ""

    No results matching ""