Desktop Operation API

A set of objects to simulate mouse, keyboard and screen operations is provided in the leanpro.common library of CukeTest.

Since the operation is implemented through simulation, it can be used on all platforms.


In CukeTest, there are advanced APIs for object recognition for direct control operations, and in some cases, automation still needs to be done through some combination of keyboard and mouse operations. Therefore, CukeTest provides a set of objects that simulate mouse and keyboard operations: Mouse and Keyboard. They can handle functions where there are no controls at the target location of the mouse movement, or where the object manipulation API can't do it. For example, some applications have menus that are hidden at the edge of the screen and need to be expanded only when the mouse is moved to the edge of the screen, in which case direct mouse and keyboard operations are required.

Enables automated scripts to be written using the mouse and keyboard:

const { Keyboard, Mouse } = require('leanpro.common');

from leanproAuto import Keyboard, Mouse

In addition, since Mouse movement and click operations are built on the screen coordinate system, CukeTest additionally provides the object Screen to operate on the screen, not only to obtain screen properties (resolution, etc.), but also to take screenshots.


Note that these are synchronous methods and do not require the use of await.


Automation objects used to implement mouse movement, and click, press/release of individual mouse buttons. For example, in some applications, the interface is hidden at the edge of the screen and requires the mouse to move to the edge of the screen before it appears, so this scenario is not good to be implemented with control operations. And the Mouse object is introduced to solve this kind of problem.

Type file definition

export class Mouse {
    static move(x: number, y: number): void;    
    static moveSmooth(x: number, y: number, seconds?: number): void;
    static drag(x: number, y: number, seconds?: number): void;
    static setDelay(delay: number): void;
    static position(): Point;
    static click(button: MouseKey): void;
    static doubleClick(button: MouseKey): void;
    static keyDown(button: MouseKey): void;
    static keyUp(button: MouseKey): void;
    static wheel(vertical: number, horizontal: number): void;

enum MouseKey {
    LButton = 1,
    RButton = 2,
    MButton = 4,
    Ctrl = 8,
    Shift = 16,
    Alt = 32

interface Point {
    x: number,
    y: number
class Mouse():
	def move(x: int, y: int) -> None
	def moveSmooth(x: int, y: int, seconds: Optional[int]=None) -> None
	def setDelay(delay: int) -> None
	def drag(x: int, y: int, seconds: Optional[int]=None) -> None
	def position() -> TypedDict
	def click(button: Optional[int]=None) -> None
	def doubleClick(button: Optional[int]=None) -> None
	def keyDown(button: Optional[int]=None) -> None
	def keyUp(button: Optional[int]=None) -> None
	def wheel(vertical: int, horizontal: Optional[int]=None) -> None

class Point():
	x: int
	y: int

API Introduction

move(x, y): void

Move the mouse to the target position, the mouse button will be released before moving.

  • x: number type, horizontal pixels of desktop coordinates.
  • y: type number, the vertical pixel of the desktop coordinate.
  • return value: synchronous method that does not return any value.

moveSmooth(x: number, y: number, seconds?: number): void

Smoothly move the mouse to the target position, the movement behavior is closer to manual operation.

  • x: number type, horizontal pixels of desktop coordinates.
  • y: (optional) number type, the vertical pixels of the desktop coordinates.
  • seconds: (Optional) number type, the time taken for the action to complete, the smaller the value the faster the action.
  • return value: synchronous method that does not return any value.

drag(x: number, y: number, seconds?: number): void

Move the mouse to the target position, with keyDown() and keyUp() to complete the drag and drop operation.

  • x: number type, the horizontal pixel of the desktop coordinate.
  • y: number type, the vertical pixel of the desktop coordinate.
  • seconds: (Optional) number type, the time taken for the action to complete, the smaller the value the faster the action.
  • return value: synchronous method that does not return any value.

setDelay(delay: number): void

All mouse operations have a 10ms wait time between them, you can also use this method to modify the wait time in milliseconds.

  • delay: number type, the interval time in milliseconds.
  • return value: Synchronization method that does not return any value.

position(): Point

Get the mouse position.

  • Return value: Point type. Shape is {x:100, y:100}

click(button: MouseKey): void

Completes a mouse click.

  • button: MouseKey type, you can check the type file definition, it is enumerated, pass MouseKey.LButton and 1 to have the same effect.
  • returnValue: Synchronous method that does not return any value.

doubleClick(button: MouseKey): void

Completes a mouse double click.

  • button: MouseKey type, you can check the type file definition, it is enumerated, pass MouseKey.LButton and 1 to have the same effect.
  • returnValue: Synchronous method that does not return any value.

keyDown(button: MouseKey): void

Press the mouse button, usually used to implement drag-and-drop operations.

  • button: MouseKey type, you can check the type file definition, it is enumerated type, pass MouseKey.LButton and 1 have the same effect.
  • returnValue: Synchronous method that does not return any value.

keyUp(button: MouseKey): void

Release the mouse button, usually used to implement drag-and-drop operations.

  • button: MouseKey type, you can check the type file definition, it is enumerated type, pass MouseKey.LButton and 1 have the same effect.
  • returnValue: Synchronous method that does not return any value.

wheel(vertical: number, horizontal: number): void

Scroll the mouse wheel, not only for regular vertical scrolling, but also for horizontal scrolling.

  • vertical: number type, the value of vertical scrolling, scrolling up is positive, scrolling down is negative.
  • horizontal: number type, the value of horizontal scrolling, left scrolling is positive, right scrolling is negative.
  • return: synchronous method that does not return any value.

wheel()The precision of the method is relatively high, so it is appropriate to take larger parameters when calling it, so that the phenomenon can be observed.

Scripts for drag-and-drop operations

The script that implements the drag-and-drop operation is as follows:

mouse.move(0, 0);
mouse.drag(100, 100);
mouse.move(0, 0)
mouse.drag(100, 100)


The corresponding simulation of the mouse is the simulation of keyboard operations, and keyboard-related operations belong to the Keyboard object.

Type file definition

export class Keyboard {
    static Keys: Keys,
    static keyTap(key: string): void;
    static unicodeTap(keyCode: number): void;
    static keyDown(key: string): void;
    static keyUp(key: string): void;
    static setDelay(milliseconds: number): void;
    // static typeString(str: string, cpm?: number): void; // deprecated
    static pressKeys(keys: string, options?: PressKeysOptions | number): Promise<void>;
    static disableIme();
class Keyboard():
	def keyTap(key: str) -> None
	def unicodeTap(keyCode: int) -> None
	def keyDown(key: str) -> None
	def keyUp(key: str) -> None
	def setDelay(milliseconds: int) -> None
	def typeString(str: str, cpm: Optional[int]=None) -> None
	def pressKeys(keys: str, cpm: Optional[int]=None) -> None
	def disableIme() -> None

API Introduction

keyTap(key): void

Press a key.
* key: `string` type, the key value of the target key, see [`Keys` table](#keys).
* return value: Synchronous method that does not return any value.

unicodeTap(key): void

Press a key with the value specified by Unicode. In JavaScript, you can call charCodeAt on a string to get the key value. For example, the following code will output the string with the equivalent effect of calling typeString.

'您好,中国(China)'.split('').map(k => Keyboard.unicodeTap(k.charCodeAt(0)));

  • key: string type, the key value of the target key, see Keys table.
  • return value: Synchronous method that does not return any value.

keyDown(key): void

Press and hold a key.

  • key: string type, the key value of the target key, see Keys table.
  • return value: Synchronous method that does not return any value.

keyUp(key): void

Frees a key.

  • key: string type, the key value of the target key, see Keys table.
  • return value: Synchronous method that does not return any value.

setDelay(delay): void

Controls the interval of each keyboard operation, default is 10ms.

  • delay: number type, the interval time in milliseconds.
  • return value: synchronization method that does not return any value.

typeString(str, cpm): Promise<void>

Deprecated, suggest using pressKeys(str, {textOnly: true}) instead.

Enter a string of characters.

  • str: string type, the string to be entered.
  • cpm(optional): number type, Character Per Minute, i.e. characters entered in each minute, controls the speed from which characters are entered. If some applications under test can't process characters in time when they are entered fast enough to cause abnormal display, this can be solved by setting a lower cpm, e.g. cpm = 60;
  • Return value: Asynchronous method that does not return any value.

pressKeys(keys, options?): Promise<void>

Inputting a key or string will focus the target control before input. When a string is passed in, some special characters in the string (^+~%{}()) will be executed as control keys (Shift key, CTRL key, etc.) without entering the corresponding symbols, For details, please refer to Appendix: Input Key Correspondence Table. If you wish to enter plain text, ignoring these control key symbols, you can use the {textOnly: true} option, called thus: pressKeys(str, {textOnly: true}).

  • keys: string type, the keys, key combinations or strings to be entered, supports up to 1024 characters.
  • options: (optional) Some optional parameters to control the input mode.
    • textOnly: Enter only the string, and treat the control characters as text as well. The effect is equivalent to calling Keyboard.typeString().
    • cpm: The number of characters per minute, used to control the speed of text input. It is recommended that the cpm value be set to 200 or higher for automated operation. Due to the internal implementation of the method, and the different processing of text input by each system and application, the actual input speed may not always reach the set cpm. When options is a number, it is equivalent to the cpm parameter.
  • Return value: Asynchronous method that does not return any value. For more instructions or samples, please refer toSimulating Keyboard Operations

disableIme(): void

Disable the input method of the current focus application, meaning that it switches to the Chinese keyboard. This way, when calling other methods that input keyboard operations, such as typeString or pressKeys, they will not be interfered by the input method.

  • Return Value: Asynchronous method that does not return any value. Note: The input method is application-dependent. If a new application under test is started, it may be necessary to call disableIme() again.


Keys is an enumeration object that enumerates all the keys used as parameters for the keyTap, keyDown, and keyUp methods. The key names and descriptions are shown in the following table.

For letter keys and number keys it is sufficient to use the characters with the same name directly, so they are not listed in the table below. For example, if you press the letter key b and the number key 5, you can pass the parameters "b" and "5" directly.

Windows logo key: As a control key unique to the Windows keyboard, it can be used with the "command" key name, just like the cmd key for Mac.

Key name Descriptions Remarks
up Up Arrow Key
down Down Arrow Key
right Right arrow key
left Left arrow key
command CMD key or Windows key (depending on the system)
printscreen Mac is not supported
insert Mac is not supported
audio_mute Mute
audio_vol_down Volume reduction
audio_vol_up Turn up the volume
audio_play Playback
audio_stop Stop
audio_pause Pause
audio_prev Previous
audio_next Next
audio_rewind Only valid for Linux
audio_forward Only valid for Linux
audio_repeat Only valid for Linux
audio_random Only valid for Linux
numpad_0 Numeric Keypad 0
numpad_1 Numeric Keypad 1
numpad_2 Numeric Keypad 2
numpad_3 Numeric Keypad 3
numpad_4 Numeric Keypad 4
numpad_5 Numeric Keypad 5
numpad_6 Numeric Keypad 6
numpad_7 Numeric Keypad 7
numpad_8 Numeric Keypad 8
numpad_9 Numeric Keypad 9
numpad_+ Numeric Keypad +
numpad_- Numeric Keypad -
numpad_* Numeric Keypad *
numpad_/ Numeric Keypad /
numpad_. Numeric Keypad .
lights_mon_up Increase monitor brightness Windows does not support
lights_mon_down Reduce monitor brightness Windows does not support
lights_kbd_toggle On/off keypad backlight Windows does not support
lights_kbd_up Increase the brightness of the keyboard backlight Windows does not support
lights_kbd_down Reduce the brightness of the keyboard backlight Windows does not support
Usage of keys

The Keys enumeration class is often used for special keys and has two uses. For example, when the CTRL key and the A key need to be pressed simultaneously to perform a select-all operation, it can be written like this.

const { Keyboard } = require('leanpro.common');
from leanproAuto import Keyboard

Since the keyTap, keyDown, and keyUp methods only receive a single character (e.g., 'a') by default, if a string is received (e.g., 'control'), the Keys enumeration class is automatically used, which is equivalent to introducing the Keys enumeration class, as follows:

const { Keyboard, Keys } = require('leanpro.common');

If you wish to enter a string directly, you should use the typeString method


Screen automation object Screen, used to get screen properties, and manipulate the screen.

Type file definition

The type file is defined as follows:

export class Screen {
    static screenRect(moniter?: number): Rect
    static all(moniter?: number): Rect[]
    static colorAt(x: number, y: number): string;
    static capture(rect?: Rect): Buffer;
    static captureToFile(filePath: string, rect?: Rect): void;
    static takeScreenshot(filePath: string, monitor?: number): string | void;

    // deprecated Abandoned
    static screenSize(): {width: number, height: number};
class Screen():
	def all() -> "List[Rect]"
	def screenRect(monitor: Optional[int]=None) -> "Rect"
	def screenSize() -> TypedDict
	def colorAt(x: int, y: int) -> str
	def capture(rect: Optional[Rect]=None) -> "bytearray"
	def captureToFile(filePath: str, rect: Optional[Rect]=None) -> None
	def takeScreenshot(filePath: str, monitor: Optional[int]=None) -> Union[str, None]

class ScreenSize():
width: int
height: int

API Introduction

screenRect(monitor?:number): Rect

Get the screen rectangle, the default take all the screen combined rectangle, if you specify the display number monitor parameter will only get the size of the corresponding screen.

  • monitor: (Optional) The monitor number. Passing no parameter or -1 will get the size of all screens combined, numerically equal to the size of the screenshot obtained by the Screen.capture method. Pass 0 to return the first display, 1 to return the second, and so on.
  • Return value: Rect object, an object that represents the screen size.

all(): Rect[]

Get a list of all display rectangular boxes, returning an array of Rect objects.

  • Return value: an array consisting of Rect objects, an array of objects with the size of all screens.

screenSize(): {width: number, height: number}

Not recommended, you can use screenRect instead. Get the main screen size, i.e. the resolution size. Returns an object containing the width and height of the screen.

  • Return value: {width: number, height: number}, i.e. an object containing the width and height of the screen, both are of type number.

colorAt(x: number, y: number): string

Get the color of a pixel point at a coordinate, the return value is a string of RGB color codes in hexadecimal format, such as "FFFFFFF".

  • x: number type, horizontal coordinate;
  • y: number type, vertical coordinate;
  • Return value: string type, a string of RGB color codes in hexadecimal format.

capture(rect?: Rect): Buffer

Get a screenshot. If the rect parameter is specified, only the screenshot of the specified box will be taken.

  • rect: (Optional) Rect type, see Rect type introduction for definition;
  • Return value: Buffer type. Can be used directly in Report Attachments, or to construct Image objects using the Image.from() method.

captureToFile(filePath: string, rect?: Rect): void

Get a screenshot and save it as a file. filePath is the path as well as the file name. If the rect parameter is specified, only the screenshot of the specified box will be taken.

  • filePath: string type, the path to save the file and the file name, e.g. ". /support/image1.png";
  • rect: (optional) Rect type, see Rect type introduction for definition;
  • Return value: Does not return any value.

takeScreenshot(filePath: string, monitor?: number): string

Merged from the original Util.takeScreenshot method to get a screenshot. See takeScreenshot() method introduction for details.

Not recommended.

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