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Version: 1.15


Playwright provides convenience APIs for common tasks, like reading the text content of an element. These APIs can be used in your test assertions.

Text content#

const content = await page.textContent('nav:first-child');expect(content).toBe('home');

API reference#

Inner text#

const text = await page.innerText('.selected');expect(text).toBe('value');

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Attribute value#

const alt = await page.getAttribute('input', 'alt');expect(alt).toBe('Text');

Checkbox state#

const checked = await page.isChecked('input');expect(checked).toBeTruthy();

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JS expression#

const content = await page.$eval('nav:first-child', e => e.textContent);expect(content).toBe('home');

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Inner HTML#

const html = await page.innerHTML('div.result');expect(html).toBe('<p>Result</p>');

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const visible = await page.isVisible('input');expect(visible).toBeTruthy();

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Enabled state#

const enabled = await page.isEnabled('input');expect(enabled).toBeTruthy();

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Custom assertions#

With Playwright, you can also write custom JavaScript to run in the context of the browser. This is useful in situations where you want to assert for values that are not covered by the convenience APIs above.

// Assert local storage valueconst userId = page.evaluate(() => window.localStorage.getItem('userId'));expect(userId).toBeTruthy();
// Assert value for input elementawait page.waitForSelector('#search');const value = await page.inputValue('#search');expect(value === 'query').toBeTruthy();
// Assert computed styleconst fontSize = await page.$eval('div', el => window.getComputedStyle(el).fontSize);expect(fontSize === '16px').toBeTruthy();
// Assert list lengthconst length = await page.$$eval('li.selected', (items) => items.length);expect(length === 3).toBeTruthy();

API reference#